The Human Conscience

What comes to your mind, when you hear the word "conscience"?
Some would say it is the inner man or the soul of a person, well, they might be correct!  

In this article, I  want to shed some light on what the conscience is, and how it works

Though there are variations in the attributes human possess, but one common attribute is a conscience 
It is a naturally inbuilt attribute in man

It is a part of the mind that makes you aware of your actions as being either morally wrong or right! 

The conscience is so strong that at every action you take, it never fails to be persistent in sending you a feedback 

This is why we have a state of unrest in our minds after we do something wrong

That's how the conscience works! 

Conscience is the dog that can't bite, but never stops barking.                                         ~Anonymous


 But humans of nowadays ehn, we have developed the habit of ignoring our conscience  

At this stage, the conscience sends us a signal after we do something wrong, but we just keep ignoring it and say "we move"! 
That's crazy tho, isn't it? 

In this process, the strength of our conscience is weakened, because there's no response or action taken by us to correct our ways

Meanwhile, responding to the conscience guides and build moral conduct and behavior towards ourselves and others

You don't need to find a conscience o, you have one inside of you, remember I said its inbuilt? 
It speaks and calls your attention! 
So listen to it and act accordingly 

Being a good person starts with being a wise person. Then when you follow your conscience ,you will be headed in the right direction                                                                            ~Antonin Scalia


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If we do listen to our conscience, maybe the calamities in this country wouldn't have been up to this. Our politicians would stop embezzling money. The govt would stop massacring it's citizens. Listening to our conscience is very vital.
Unknown said…
Wow thank you so much
Listening to the inner voice within us . Thank you for this
Fonsah Pageo said…
Very well said
Very inspiring
Your conscience is that voice which tells you that something is wrong and it's better to do another thing ..the moment you feel like you shouldn't do something, that's your conscience speaking..and it makes you think twice, but the moment you do a wrong thing without thinking, means you have succeeded to ignore your conscience which is not something you wanna do
Envoy said…
Nicely explanation in whatever conscience is all about

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